5 things every woman wants in a man

Want to know the things mature women want in a Man? Cool. The dating circle is so big that it accommodates all kinds of people, comfortably, giving each class their own space, to do things their own way. Amongst the female folk, there’s a girl, a lady and a WOMAN. Confused? Don’t be; I’ll break it down. Biologically, these three set of women are the same, but socially, the sizes of their shoes are different. What that simply means is that they are in different places at a given time, so, their social placing, affects their needs, especially where men are concerned. 

The five things a woman wants in a man include:


She’s been around and seen different kinds of men through her journey of life. And she understands that no matter how careful or strong she can be as a woman, she needs a man who can rise to the occasion when her well-being is threatened. No, she isn’t looking for a street fighter to beat up anyone who stands in her way, what she needs is a real man, who can defend her when the need arises.


For the younger girls, getting all the things money can buy at the moment is what they want. Once a man drives a flashy car and lives in a big apartment, he can have them to himself. In their little minds, life is all about the now, but the older women know that there’s more to life than all that. She needs a man with a vision for a stable and brighter future. She’s most likely to be a single and happy independent woman.

Financial security

Yea, I know, the article will be incomplete without money. But the motive is different. This isn’t some momentary extravaganza, but long term ability to at least put shelter over her head, provide food and good clothing. She needs to be sure that she wouldn’t be homeless and go hungry when she’s with you. Simply put, she needs a man that can take care of a woman.


This validates the list of the things mature women want. She needs a man she can always count on, someone who will have her back, even if the whole world turns against her. And for that to happen, you need to make her trust you, by earning it through commendable acts like a gentleman.


While she appreciates you for giving her financial security, she’d appreciate you even more if you could spend quality time with her. If she were a materialistic woman, your money would be sufficient to take care of her needs, but no, it isn’t, she needs you.

It’s sweet to buy her roses and spoil her like you pluck money from trees, but being mature herself, she doesn't need an immature man; he's way below her level. Your thinking and action will testify to that and influence her judgment of you. Just like a virtuous woman, a mature woman wants more than a fat bank account in a man.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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