How to overcome sadness and be happy always

Everyone would love to be happy all the time, but unfortunately, there’s no guarantee for that. Sometimes, that awful feeling called sadness shows up its ugly face, switching our emotion to the negative. While we can’t completely avoid getting in that zone, we can snap out of it, by learning easy ways to overcome sadness.

5 Things to do to overcome sadness

Write it down

Sometimes, it’s difficult to pin down the reason why we feel so sad. And that makes it even worse to kick it out because we have no idea what we are fighting against. So, get a pen and paper or whatever gadget at your disposal and put down what triggered the feeling. With that, the ‘enemy’ will be identified.

Listen to good music

Remember what they say about music being the food to the soul? It’s that and even much more. Listening to the right music can help you get by even in the most difficult situations. Now is the time for you to listen to some of your favourite songs. The lyrics, rhythm, and melody will put a smile on your face.


Exercise works magic on human psychology. It helps you burn negative energy. To overcome sadness, you should get on your feet and hit the road or the gym. If you can afford it, the gym is a better option, but if you can’t, working out at home or going for a run can still do.

Relax outdoor

There’s a beautiful world outside the little box sadness had confided you to. Seating outside, with the cool wind caressing your skin and perceiving the smell of nature with, viewing beautiful scenery is magical. You don’t have to do anything, just relax and enjoy the wonders of nature. Feed your eyes all you can see.

Confide in family and friends

Human support is vital in such moments and cannot be pushed aside. In downtimes, you need your family and friends to lighten things up. Open up to a close friend or relation, let them know how you feel. Speaking to someone about how you feel, will take the burden off your chest. You’d be surprised at how relieved you’d feel afterward.

While you are working on that, you must remember that you have the power to determine how you feel and what you feel. Yes, all you need are self-love and strong will. Don’t just seat at home, go out, and create fun moments to overcome sadness. 

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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