How to overcome loneliness and have fun

Nobody wants to be alone; life isn’t meant to be lived in isolation. But sometimes, we can’t help but find ourselves in positions where we feel lonely. It’s just us, all by ourselves, with no one to talk with, smile at or even play with. And sometimes, it’s even awkward. We are in the midst of a crowd, but deep down, we feel it’s just us there. There’s a lack of connection, a lack of belonging that makes us feel out of place. Whatever sort of loneliness you may be experiencing, you can snap out of it by taking these little steps.

Identify what triggers the feeling 

Different things make different people feel lonely. To truly deal with it, you need to know why you are feeling that way. Is it a lack of connection with your family or friends, dissatisfaction at your job, betrayal by a loved one, feeling of unfulfillment, or discontent? You need to pin it down to be able to get it over with.


When you are all by yourself, there’s the probability for you to throw a pity party for yourself. Your mind begins to play a mischievous game with you, making you believe that you are all by yourself because you have a complex, you aren’t good enough. Rather than indulge this, you can channel your energy to meditation. Sit down in a quiet area, cross your legs and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and observe your environment with your inner mind. Ignore the negative thoughts and dwell on the positive ones.

Get busy

Most times, we feel lonely in idle moments. When we are engaged in something meaningful, it’s difficult to totally feel empty. You can do things as easy as taking a walk, seeing a movie, reading a book, just anything to preoccupy your thoughts.

Practise your hobbies

We all have hobbies. These things are there to brighten our moods and make us happier. You can sit around and drool all day, but you also have the option of doing those things you love. Which would you choose? The choice is yours and you owe it to yourself to make the right one.

Relate with family

What can we do without our family members? Sometimes we don’t feel like we love them but eventually, we realize that we love them much more than we even thought. If they are close, go over and spend some quality time with your family members. They are the ones who love you the most, come rain, come shine.


You may feel that you are all by yourself, but trust me, there’s so much happening out there. People are networking and making things happen. There are wonderful people out there looking forward to meeting a wonderful person like you. Don’t stay all by yourself please, take a fresh bath, dress up and zoom off to the next social event. You might just meet the one over there.

Overcoming loneliness takes a great deal of effort. You deserve to be free and happy. Write your life script and be sure to create many beautiful scenes that are void of loneliness because it has no business being there. Share a smile, fresh breath, and laughter with someone. But first, love and accept yourself for who you are.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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