How to make friends in a new neighbourhood easily

For some, travelling around, changing locations is fun; it gives you a breath of fresh air. But when you have to leave you current location and settled down in a “strange” land, it isn’t so much fun. New faces, new things, new weather… all amount to a new life. You aren’t an island, no one is, thus, you need to relate with other people in your new neighbourhood. And to do that, you need to be friends with them. Making friends in a new neighbourhood isn’t so easy, but it certainly isn’t a death sentence, you will come out of it alive.

5 tips for making friends in a new neighbourhood

Join a social group

The easiest way to make friends in a new neighbourhood is by locating and belonging to a social group. People in these organisations share the same interests and likes with you and they will be willing to receive you with open arms. By the end of your first visit, you’ll have some people talking with you.

Be outspoken

Seating so quiet in a gathering will make you almost invisible. For people to want to be friends with you, they need to, first of all, notice you. This doesn’t mean that you have to be annoyingly outspoken to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Just try to chip in one or two things in the conversation. That way, people will ‘recognise’ you when they meet up with you later.

Go for a walk

Don’t just seat indoors watching TV; friends won’t pop out from the TV. In the evening, when people must have been back from work or school and are just hanging out, be out too. Walk slowly, taking a good view of the environment, and stop at a cool outdoor relaxation spot.

Approach a potential friend

After you must have observed people around and seen someone you’d like to be friends with, feel free to walk up to them and introduce yourself. It’s simple. You can say something like “Hi. I’m (add your name)” with a smile. Not sure of what next to say? Give them a compliment about what they are wearing or just say something about the weather.

Ask relevant questions

For you to become friends with someone, you need to have good communication because that’s what will get you acquainted. To do this, ask them questions about the neighbourhood. You are new, they’d understand that you are trying to find your way around and may even offer to show you around.

While trying to make friends in a new neighbourhood, it’s important that you don’t seem even vaguely proud as it is a huge turnoff. Don’t go about bragging about how important you are or about the awesome things you’ve done. Just have a normal conversation. In time, your friends will get to know what a wonderful person you are.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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