How to Massage Your Man’s Ego and Make Him Feel Good


A relationship that is consumed by the burning fire of love requires a lot of selflessness and sacrifices to keep the fire burning. Bother parties give in their two cents, to make things work out, even if it’s all they have left. And while a real man should understand never to take his woman for granted but treat her like a lady, he has an ego that needs to be attended to. He wants to score some points and be in the lead, taking the front in a bid to live up to society’s expectations of being capable and responsible enough to take care of a woman. While you may not always feel up to it, it’s important to learn how to massage your man’s ego and make him feel good in order to enjoy the best of him in your relationship and your life in general.

Five Simple Ways to Massage Your Man’s Ego and Make Him Feel Good

1. Accord him respect

Men feed on respect like their food. Perhaps it’s even more important to us than food except that we need food to survive, but you get the drift. When respect is missing in a relationship, a man feels alienated like he doesn’t belong there. His manhood is threatened, making him feel less of a human being and would do anything to protect his self-worth. 

Now let’s not get it twisted. No one is trying to play god and subdue anybody; it’s very far from that. A man who demands respect must understand that it’s a two-way street and must be willing to give it. So, when he plays his own part by loving and respecting you, his woman, it’s only fair that you return the gesture.

2. Submit to him

To massage your man’s ego and make him happy, you need to play the submission card. In this age and time, the topic of submission on the part of a woman is a sensitive and controversial one, with the feminist movement clamoring for gender equality and women's independence. While fair treatment to all, regardless of their gender, is a welcome development, we shouldn’t forget our old good values. When you have two captains in a ship, chaos will be the order of the day. One has to be matured enough to be cool-headed and lay back. Being a submissive woman doesn’t make you weaker, rather, it makes you stronger and wiser because you can make a man do whatever you want just by giving in to him.

3. Appreciate his efforts

A gentleman always puts his woman first. Whatever he does, he does it with you in mind. He works round the clock to put food on the table and give you the comfort that you deserve. While it’s cool if he does this on a bigger level, giving you luxury, it doesn’t make it any less significant if he does it on a lower level, due to his abilities. Give him a pat on the back and look him in the eye and tell him that you appreciate what he’s doing. Don’t just sit back and look at him because it’s his responsibility to do all that. Little words of appreciation will make his ego so huge he’d move mountains for you.

4. Seek his opinion

When you allow people to have a say in your life, you accord them a privilege that not everybody in your life gets. You have your life and you are entitled to every decision and choice you make but when you share something deep with someone, they become part of your life and should be considered in every decision you make because it affects them too either directly or indirectly. When you are about to do something, don’t leave your man in the dark, consult him and ask him what he thinks about it. Even if you don’t agree with his thoughts, he’d be happy that you got him involved and didn’t ignore him like he wasn’t important to you. When you seek his opinion and input, you make him feel special and valued.

5. Don’t always prove him wrong

Sometimes, prince charming may not get it right, even when he tries. Perhaps you are the more intelligent one, who has the natural instincts for perfection. Bringing that to the fore may seem like you are rubbing it in his face, and that could make him feel less of a man. While you don’t necessarily have to pretend to suck all the time, just to let him shine, sometimes, you need to let him shine too. Constantly making him the “loser” will do no good to his self-esteem, giving him a complex. Sometimes, just drop it and let him win. And then much later, when the atmosphere is calm, you could bring it up.

These tips on how to massage your man’s ego and make him feel good about himself aren’t difficult things to do for someone you love; you should be able to do them easily with love. At the end of the day, both of you have the responsibility to nurture your relationship and see that it lasts for long, if not a lifetime. Yes, he’s a grown man and you probably think he’s too old for babysitting, but then, he’s your “baby” and you might as well babysit him regardless of his age and size.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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