Building a New Relationship: How to Lay a Strong Foundation


Man meets woman and they are attracted to each other in a likable way. As they go on, getting acquainted, they realize that they share a lot of things in common which make them compatible. Even though they just met, it feels like they’ve known each other for a very long time. And after weighing their options and considering everything involved, they decided to hit it off in a romantic affair. Now that you two have started dating, you need to know how to build a new relationship and lay a strong foundation that will stand the test of time and not be shaken by the heaviest of winds that would blow your way.

Five Tips on Building a New Relationship and Laying a Strong Foundation

1. Openness 

An open book has nothing to hide. Openness in a relationship, allows both parties to know the very being of each other, in a way that nothing can be said about them, which they aren’t aware of. There could be the temptation of hiding some part of your life you aren’t proud of, away from your lover because you don’t want them to see how “bad” you are. You may feel embarrassed about it and would rather go on without opening that chapter. However, it’s better you deal with it now because there are chances that everything will come in the open, with or without your permission. If you chose to be with this one person, out of a thousand, you should be willing to cast the dices on the table. Being open saves you all the drama that comes with future revelations that could be too huge to handle and lead to a breakup.

2. Be yourself

This is where the pressure to impress comes in. Even when you have good intentions, to make your partner happy, you could get carried away by this, and start doing things are aren’t originally you, just to sweep them off their feet and make the love you more. When someone truly loves you, they love you for who you really are and not for what they want you to be. They’d be happy to see you in your true colours, and would accept you even when those colours aren’t exactly bright. Pretending to be something else can only last for a while, what happens when the chips are down? When you can no longer keep up? it’s better to let them know who you are when you are building a new relationship, so that they can decided to either put up with you or not.

3. Set the terms

Every orderly establishment needs laid down rules of engagement to allow parties involved know what they are into and what their expectations are. When you start up something, without determining the rules of engagement, people could err, without even seeing that they’ve done something wrong.

 You need to tell be emphatic on the kind of partner you want in a relationship. State the kind of things you’d love to see as the affair progresses. If you have deal breakers, it’s important that you clearly state them. so, that peradventure they occur, it wouldn’t be a problem when you want to talk a walk because you stated it from the onset. If you want an exclusive relationship, with just the two of you being faithful to each other, let your partner know about it. If you can’t stand lies, nagging, cheating, and all that, clearly lay it out. And be ready to listen to what your newly found love interest, has to say too.

4. Communicate 

The most successful relationships are the ones in which the couples have healthy communication. It helps you to pass your inner thoughts, expectations, hopes, and grievances across to each other. Don’t hold back things simply because you don’t want to hurt your partner’s feelings. Piling stuff up will end up hurting them badly in the long run. 

Say things the way you feel, with love and not reproach. Great communication creates deep communication between couples and allows them to open up to each other on different issues. They relate not just as lovers but friends who don’t hold back their feelings. There should hardly be quiet moments. Don’t stay together like two strangers who have nothing to say. At this early stage, your interaction should be at its peak. Tell your partners things you think they should know even if they didn’t ask. If you encountered something strange, tell them about it. Tell them about how wonderful your day went and how you are looking forward to that event coming up. When you build a new relationship on great communication, your lover will be your friend and companion.

5. Share your dreams 

We all have great dreams and aspirations which inspire us and keep us going. You were riding solo when you were single, going about things on your own. Now, you have a partner who is supposed to help you make your dreams come true. 

Being in a relationship isn’t all about the romantic moments, but also about helping each other in advancing in life. Lovers should be each other’s biggest support system. They need to lean on each other and be their motivation and source of inspiration. When you have doubts and second guess yourself, your partner should look you in the eye and tell you that you are the best and that you can do it. While you are their biggest fan, you should also be bold enough to tell them what it is they aren’t doing right. Be a fan and a critic. Always be there to cheer them on but tell them areas that need to be improved on worked on in order to increase their chances of making it.

Building a new relationship and laying a strong foundation requires commitment from both parties. When only you do all the work, it’ll be one-sided. You need to share this information with your partner, so they will learn too and play their own part in nurturing your ‘baby’ into a fully grown adult of many beautiful years.


Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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