How to Make a Woman Think About You Every Second


Ten out of ten guys want to be the guy every girl wants. A man wants to hold his woman spellbound and literally drawn to them, and I think that’s great! It’s not enough for you to get the woman of your dreams and make her fall in love with you. After wooing her with your charms and finding your way into the bosom of her heart, you need to keep her hooked. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you make your woman think about you every second? There’s no better deal in a relationship than this because it creates a lasting presence in her mind. Regardless of where she goes, who she’s with, or what she’s doing, thoughts of you will always be on her mind. With this, you don’t have to worry about losing her, because whoever or whatever it is that wants to take her away from you, would have to, first of all, get rid of those thoughts and that’s almost impossible.

Five Ways to Make a Woman Think About You Every Second

1. Be a little bit unpredictable

Most women will bet that men are predictable when it comes to the romance department. They are used to the things you do and the actions you take. And quite frankly, this can be very boring. When a woman knows all about you, your relationship becomes a routine and there’s nothing to look forward to. You need to keep some of your moves away from her. Yes, it’s good to be open with your woman, but when it involves things that will add spice to your relationship, keep her in the dark. Let every move be a surprise to her. Don’t always stick to the old model, switch things up every now and then, and keep her guessing what you are up to.

2. Tell her the sweetest things

Women love to hear those sweet nothings that flatter them; it makes them feel so good about themselves and gives them the assurance that you are happy with them. It doesn’t matter if you told her that she’s the best thing that has ever happened to you, a few minutes ago, it’ll make her happy to hear you say it again. In her quiet moments, she’ll remember your sweets words and they’ll make her smile, with thoughts of seeing you again. You shouldn’t run out of words to appreciate the woman you love.

3. Create some space

I know you love her and want to be with her all day and night. As loving as that may seem, it has its own downsides. When you are always with a woman, she gets so fond of you, creating an over-familiarity that will work against you. Sometimes, you need to create a scarcity of yourself, so she’d realize your value. When you are not around always, she’ll miss you and that will make her think about you every second when you are away. This is very effective because the human body is fashioned to crave the things it likes but doesn’t have at its disposal.

4. Be in charge

This is one trick that always works. Most people think that always trying to please a woman will give them an upper hand, but that isn’t always the case. Most women want a man who can take charge and act like a real man. If she tosses you around every now and then, she’ll have nothing much to reminisce about when she’s alone. But when you always take the lead and stamp your foot on the ground on issues, she’ll feel the manly vibe and always long to have that. This is very different from being a control freak. It simply shows that you respect her and her views but don’t condone any unnecessary attitude from her.

Knowing how to make a woman think about you every second isn’t rocket science. All you need is to warm up to her, give her reasons why you are a perfect lover and then create an avenue for her to appreciate what she has by not always being at her beck and call. Don’t ever give the impression that you are with her because you don’t have a choice. Exude that charm and confidence that tells that you could have any other woman you want but would rather stay with her because she’d the best amongst the rest.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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