Qualities of a Soulmate: Signs You Have Found the One


The idea of loving and sharing your life with someone becomes a memorable experience when you meet and find that one that has been destined for you right from the start, even before you were born. It isn’t about two strangers coming together to form a union, but about two people who have been joined in partnership, by supernatural forces, finally finding each other and allowing fate to come to pass. Things fall into place, effortlessly, with little or no efforts. It’s obvious that you aren’t trying so hard to save your relationship. Your love boat finds its rhythm and moves at its own pace. These qualities of a soulmate let you know that you have found the one specially made for you.

Five Signs You Have Found Your Soulmate

1. You two connect

To “click” in this sense, is to just get each other, to understand each other even when the whole world finds it difficult to understand either of you. Even when you haven’t known each other for long, you two seem to flow and relate on the same level. There isn’t something special you do about it, you don’t try so hard to “get” the other, you just do.

You know what they are going to say and even help them complete their sentences. You know what their reaction to issues would be. You know these things, not because they’ve told you about them before, but because there’s a part of you that connects to their inner soul.

2. You love them to a fault 

It’s an open secret that no human, born of a woman is perfect. However, some people tend to look for perfection in their partners. They want their partner to maintain a certain lifestyle and behave in a certain way to suit their needs. Soulmates share something deeper than that. They accept each other, not just their beautiful sides, but also their ugly sides.  They love the other, equally, in good and bad times. Even when the flaws of the other are so huge, they tend to make them look smaller and accommodate them. Sometimes, they find it difficult to understand why they love that person so much. They can’t explain it; it’s beyond physical.

3. It’s overwhelming 

Now, this is an intense kind of love. You feel a force so strong you can’t control it. Most times, couples feel that deep connection within the first months of their relationship and after a while, it fades away. But when you are with your soulmate, every day feels like the first day. The feeling doesn’t grow any less, instead, it increases, making you feel like you are going to explode out of love.

4. You feel secure 

Some couples, though in love, are insecure about themselves. For some reason, they feel that despite the love their partner has for them, they may not be able to resist the temptation of being with another. When you are with your soulmate, you don’t have to worry about that. You have that conviction that they won’t be with any other but you. It isn’t because you do anything to keep them away, it’s just something they cannot help. It’s either you or no one else.

5. There’s no life without them

This is deep and somewhat dangerous. You are so much into each other that you don’t see yourselves being without each other. In the absence of the other, life would be meaningless. It’s a ride-or-die thing. Perhaps no one is indispensable, but when a soulmate is involved, you begin to realize that though you will pull through at the end of the day, because you have so much self-love, but it’s almost impossible to do that without strong-will.
Life’s a journey better experienced with the one after your heart. When love is true, you are happy, making life a fun party that should never end as you enjoy a successful relationship. When you see these qualities of a soulmate in the one you are with, know for sure, that there is no other one for you. 

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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