How to impress your boss and win their heart

The other time, I wrote about how to date your boss successfully, but this is totally different; it’s even more serious because your source of livelihood is at stake. Regardless of the nature of your job, it’s important that you have a good rapport with whom you are working with. The smart employee understands that it’s important to make your boss like you than to make them hate you.

Ways to make your boss like you or impress your boss

1. Punctuality

Punctuality is the bedrock of every job. You cannot substitute resuming on duty on time, with any other thing. For one who is paid to get something done, that job should be a top priority in your life, thus, you should put it first in your schedules, leaving every other thing behind, to resume at the appointed time.

2. Dedication/hard-work

The wise one who said “whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well,” spoke out of wisdom. Most people are nonchalant at work. If they had their way, they wouldn’t even be on that job, but they wouldn’t mind receiving the take-home pay. If you want to make your boss like you, you need to take your job seriously. When you do that, it means you are concerned about their welfare because the success of the organization makes them successful.

3. Follow instructions 

When you pay attention to instructions and follow them to the latter, you can never go wrong. You can’t afford to do things your own way when you have a superior. You may not be comfortable with their terms, but you need to cultivate the habit of doing things the way your boss wants them done. It shows that you are obedient. Going against their instructions is rude and disrespectful.

4. Humility 

So you get the whole work done, right? That’s a good thing. But you don’t have to carry your shoulders high and make your boss look like he/she is dumb. Acting like the guru and exposing your boss’s incompetence will cause you more harm than good. At the end of the day, he/she calls the shots, so, you might be left to show how intelligent you are, on the streets, without a job.

5. Respect

Giving respect to whom it’s due is necessary in all areas of life. You need to understand your place when working with a superior and show them some respect both in and outside the office. The good thing is, it’s reciprocal. When you respect your boss, they won’t only respect you, but also grow fond of you.

It’s easy to say that most bosses are mean, but sometimes, their subordinates give them reasons to act in that manner. You shouldn’t engage in a power tussle with your boss; it doesn’t even make sense. Rather than fighting with your boss, you should channel your energy to improve on your work, to make your boss like you.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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