The single mum dating guide: How to find love again


 Having a child or children comes with responsibilities that are demanding. It’s even more demanding when as a mother, you have to do everything all by yourself. Life happened and your baby’s daddy isn’t fully in the picture. You are overwhelmed and may not feel up to dating again. Your child or children may be your number one priority, but you need to make yourself happy by diving into the dating waters and take a chance at finding love again as a single mother.

Let’s talk about how to date again as a single mum.

1. Feel beautiful sexy

When it comes to the ‘business’ of dating, the way you feel about yourself matters a lot as it’s a reflection of how people will see you. Yes, you’ve had one or two babies, but that doesn’t stop you from feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world that you are. It’s one thing to look it and another thing to feel it – You need both. 

2. Put yourself out there

This is where you need to expand your social circle. Most times, we search for love but we don’t position ourselves in places where love can find us. If your life is a routine, you need to create more fun activities for yourself. Make new friends and attend events more, so that more men will see you.

3. Open up about being a single mum

One mistake most single mums make when they are going back to the dating circle is that they are shy or embarrassed to admit that they already a kid or kids due to fear of rejection. As a mother, you should be proud of your child, and let your potential date know about them right from the beginning. A real man who truly loves you, and wants to be with you for the long haul, would still love you, regardless.

4. Don’t involve your kids too early

This tip on how to date again as a single mum is very important. While it’s advisable to let the new man know that you are a mother, you don’t have to bring your child or children into your business. Remember it’s you and him in it, don’t spoil it by constantly talking about your kids. You don’t want every single guy you date to meet your child. Avoid the introduction until the relationship is very serious.

There are so many men in the world to go round. As a single mother who’s looking to date again, you certainly have options. Have an open mind about the new experience, and don’t let experiences of the past ruin your chances of finding love again.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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