The Little Things a Woman Wants from Her Man: Keys to Her Heart

The other day, I was with a friend. As I tried to make conversation with him, I noticed that while he was seated beside me, his mind was miles away, a thousand and one miles away. And just when I was about to ask him what the problem was, he asked, “what are the little things a woman wants?” I shut my mouth for a second as I pondered the reason for him asking. He explained that he and his woman had an argument, and then she blurted something about him not knowing the little things she wanted. Like my friend, most men are ignorant on that one… let’s find out.

Say those four words often

It’s called love. Maybe what you feel for her is true love. Maybe she knows it; it’s crystal clear in the way you look at her and behave towards her. But she wants to hear you say it, often. The fact that it exists between you two doesn’t make it okay when it’s unsaid. A woman loves it, when a man, the one she loves, says he loves her, again and again.

Open the door for her

Now, this is some good old expression of sweet love. When a man brings back the almost forgotten culture of chivalry, a woman feels really special, like a princess and a queen at the same time. Pull the seat for her, open the door, hold her jacket… these are some of the little things a woman wants to make her happy.

Ask how her day went

You weren’t with her in the day. You both went for your separate activities, which isn’t a bad thing. But when you see her, don’t act like you know everything that happened in your absence, like it doesn’t matter. Ask her if she had a nice day. The details may be boring but listen to her as she tells you about it. It shows that you care.

Call to check on her

While she’s away, at work, school, home or wherever it may be, a call from you might be all she needs to get through the day. It doesn’t matter the length of the call, the sound of your lovely masculine voice is enough to make her smile long after the call has ended. Don’t assume she’s fine, make sure she’s fine.

Help with the chores

She knows you aren’t used to doing the house chores; society has made you believe it’s her job. You probably don’t even know how to boil water, so, there isn’t much you can do in the kitchen. But when you help with the dishes, you aren’t useless because you make the job easier for her. When you clean, scrub, or sweep, it doesn’t make you less manly, it only makes you a gentleman.

Sometimes, the smallest things make the strongest impacts. While a woman doesn’t mind those big gestures of love, she’d appreciate you more when you don’t ignore the little ones. Now, my friend knows the little things a woman wants, and trust me, his woman is happier. Yours too could be.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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