Secrets to Living a Happy Life

This thing called life is indeed a dice of many sides. Sometimes, we get the numbers we want, and other times, we get the ones we don’t want. And that brings about disappointments, sadness and other negative feelings. It really isn’t easy to keep up a smiling face when life deals you strong heavy blows that take you off your feet, bending you to the ground. However, it’s imperative that we try to shake it off by learning the secrets to living a happy life.

Take a deep breath

Ever heard of the saying that “what’s gonna be, is gonna be?” regardless of how seriously or playfully it is said, it’s the plain gospel truth. You are pre-occupied with thoughts of how things will turn out, you are afraid that it may not turn in your favour, but really, you don’t know all that. Even if you go to the moon and back, what has been predestined, will come to fore, so why worry?

Be true to yourself

A top-secret to living a happy life is to be nothing but yourself. Look at it this way, when you try to be someone else, you put in a lot of tedious work. You go on a wild goose chase, at the detriment of your well-being. Living your life, by your own standards, on your own terms, is key to self-love and fulfillment.

Don’t be in a hurry

As humans, we are constantly on the run, trying to get over with our present situation, just so we could experience the next phase. A parent can’t wait for their child to be born, and once the child arrives, they can’t wait for them to start walking. Once they begin to walk, they can’t wait for them to start school. And once they are in school, they are already looking forward to their graduation, forgetting to enjoy each stage of the child’s life which cannot be relived. Stop the chase and enjoy the moment, you may not have it again.

Be positive

It’s easier to have a negative approach to things. It’s easier to feel the worse is going to happen. But we need to try to see the other side, the positive side. When things look blurry, don’t freak out and expect the worse, believe, genuinely, that it’ll turn outright. Sometimes, the problem gets solved in time. You’d be surprised that that big problem may not be so big in the next 24 hours.

Don’t live in fear

This thing called fear takes away our happiness, making us live in misery. Fear isn’t real, it’s imaginary and only exists in our heads, when we allow it. No, that bad thing you think will happen, won’t happen. Don’t be a slave to something that isn’t real. Shake it off. If it isn’t happening, it probably will never happen.

Research shows that happy people stand a chance to live a longer life. While some have the genetics to be effortlessly happier than others, we can all be that way if we imbibe the secrets to living a happy life. Indeed, happiness is a two-way street.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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