Strong signs he is not husband material


As the value society places on marriage increases by the day, many young women have fastened their seat belts in their chase for their Mr. Right who will put a ring on it in a memorable proposal and take them away from the Single Ladies club, making them join the senior league reserved for those with the prefix “Mrs”. 

The fact that research shows that the number of women outweighs that of men isn’t helping. And to add to that, most of the few available men, aren’t in a hurry to leave the Bachelors’ Club which they find more fascinating than the one reserved for married men. The good news is, regardless of the perceived scarcity and reluctance of the descendants of Adam to do the needful, there’s always a man for every woman. However, it’s prudent to bear in mind that not every man is husband material. As a matter of fact, there are some types of men that are not husband material and should be avoided by women who love their sanity and peace of mind.

Obvious signs a man is not husband material 

1. No future ambition

In my part of the world, they are called the NFA, which translates to “No Future Ambition.” This kind of man may seem like the perfect match from the onset, with the characteristics of a gentleman. Skilled on how to please a woman and every other thing that comes with it, he can take care of a woman and make her happy. But he does all this for the now, without any plans for the future. He’s carried away by the pleasures of the moment, and will rather enjoy it while it lasts than worry about making future plans. To him, all that is too much work. He really doesn’t mind keeping you as his girlfriend till you turn 50, if you don’t have a problem with it.

2. Chronic liar

This man is far from boyfriend material, talk more of husband material. Everything about him is a lie. In his books, lying is a way of life. He does it effortlessly without an atom of guilt. When he tells you the time is 1pm, you should confirm it yourself because chances are that he lied to you. His perfectly rendered lines make you wonder if he had rehearsed a script before delivering them to you. He tells you all sorts of things, mostly the kind of stuff he knows you want to hear. You can only know he’s lying when you are way smarter than him.

3. Serial cheat

Now, this guy is in a league of his own; he doesn’t have any contenders. He is the upwardly mobile, cute chap who fits into every woman’s “to-do” list. He is the kind of ladies man who is generous enough to share his endowments, cheating on you with any woman whom he finds attractive. He isn’t just a player, but the kind who plays in the senior league because of his high demand by overzealous women. If you end up in marriage with his kind, you’ll be lucky to get a heartbreak and not a heart attack.

4. Joblessness

Some people don’t fancy the idea of working for a living, they’d rather have things giving to them on a platter of gold and he’s one of them. He loves the good life but isn’t ready to work for the money that will afford him the luxury he so much desires. To achieve his aim, he looks for a rich gullible woman who will pay his bills and take good care of him in exchange for his manly services. Well, if you take him into your life, just be ready to have a liability for the rest of your life because he won’t change anytime soon. Lest I forget, he is high maintenance. 

5. Control freak

This could have been the kind of man every woman wants. He has almost everything sorted out, but when you get closer to him, you’d see a side of him that isn’t pleasant. He is a control freak who literally wants you to live your life by his standards. He’d tell you what to do and what not to do. And as far as he’s concerned, he does all of this out of love, for your own good. Really? Well, you have to be very careful with this kind of man because when he isn’t able to exercise control over you, he might resort to violence, with you being abused.

These are some types of men that are not husband material. While there are no perfect men anywhere in the world, there are real men who are somewhere close to perfection. A man may not have diamonds to offer you, but he could cherish you like a diamond because that’s what you are to him.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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