How to deal with falling in love for the very first time


The feeling of being in love for the very first time is unquantifiable. One may try to describe it with words, but there’s just so much one can do to explain it; it’s indescribable. Falling in love for the first time, with the right person, lightens up your world, puts constants smiles on your face, and makes your world seem perfect regardless of the imperfections in the world. 

While some people get to experience it at an early age, others get the opportunity much later, at an older age. Regardless of the time and age, the feeling is the same, strong, and powerful. You deserve to be happy. However, there are certain things you need to know, to help you get through your relationship, without getting hurt. 

Things to Bear in Mind When You Fall in Love for the First Time

1. It’s real

The beauty of this “strange” phenomenon can be surreal, with a too-good-to-be-true feeling that makes you wonder if you have been hypnotized or in dreamland. It’s far from that. You aren’t alone; people fall in love every day. It’s as real as it can be. Stop being anxious about losing your mind or going crazy; nothing like that will happen, you are perfectly fine.

2. It’s a phase

When you are basking in the euphoria of your newly found treasure, you are likely to start thinking about being together with your lover forever. Both of you could start making promises and plans of how you’d spend the rest of your lives together. As sweet as that may be, it can only go as far as it lasts. Reality check: first love isn’t always the last. You may be over the moon now, but there’s a great chance you’ll feel something deeper for someone else. Life happens and people move one, even if they don’t want to. So, enjoy it while it lasts.

3. Tastes change

Of course, you know that one thing constant in life is change. Inevitable, what you want today, could be different from what you want today. It’s important that you don’t build your whole world around this one person and practically live for them. The true love you feel today for that special one, may not be there tomorrow. 

4. Don’t be blinded by love

It’s true that love could make you do things you wouldn’t do ordinarily but there should be a limit to it. Making sacrifices for someone you love is commendable but you shouldn’t be a fool all in the name of love. Even when the force of cupid keeps pushing you to go an extra mile, you should try to resist and think straight sometimes. Don’t let love becloud your judgment; you should be able to differentiate right from wrong. Remember that you aren’t the first to fall in love for the first time, so, learn from other people’s experiences and be wiser.

5. Don’t change who you are

At this point, all you want to do is to please your partner. You are willing to do things their way, as long as it makes them happy. While you are at it, you shouldn’t let someone else make you change from who you are, to what they want you to be. As long as you are convinced that you are a good person and that you are doing the right thing, don’t be pushed to change for worse, all in the name of love. This thing called love isn’t selfish. If someone loved you as much as they claim, they wouldn’t make it all about pleasing them, they’d give you the freedom to be yourself, to be as free as a bird. Besides, even if you allow your partner to change you, there’s the tendency that they’d leave you sooner or later, so, what’s the point?

Just as water passes down the bridge, life will bring many experiences down your way. When you fall in love for the first time, you should guard your heart against heartbreak, because it could hit you when you least expecting. It’s better to play it safe. Give it as much as you can to have a successful relationship, but not all. It’s wiser to hold a little back, for the rainy day.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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