Simple ways to control your anger

Show me one person that doesn’t get angry and I’ll sure you a big fat liar! We all get ticked off sometimes. And while we can’t give accolades to ourselves for that, we can’t deny that it’s part of human nature. However, anger causes a whole of damage. And most times, the damage is already done before we even realize it. You need to be on top of your game by learning ways to control your anger.

5 tips on how to control your Anger

Understand that it’s okay to be angry

As mentioned earlier, getting angry is a default human behaviour. You don’t need to go through any special training to learn how to do it. Even infants get in that bad mood and throw tantrums. But it becomes a problem when we let it get the better part of us, putting us at its mercy. Tell yourself that rather than allow it to take charge of you, you call the shots, and can put it aside.

Things won’t always turn out your way

Part of the intrigues of life is that we are bound to experiences surprises. Things will not always turn out the way you want them to. There are bound to be down moments, and these moments will trigger the bad rage of our emotions. But when we already know that such could happen, they won’t take us by surprise, making us get angry.

Take a deep breath

So your emotions are heightened, you can feel a tightening in your chest. It’s so heavy it feels so overwhelming. But you know what? You can turn the tables around, you have the final say; you can make it all stop. Remain still and take a deep breath. Now count from ten to one. By the time you get to one, the rage would have subsided.

Take a walk

Sometimes, you need to walk away from issues; otherwise, things could get really bad. When angry, you aren’t in the right frame of mind to make good decisions. So, the best thing to do is to take the ‘escape’ route. Move away from that person, people, or thing that is getting you mad. Trust me, once they are out of sight, you won’t feel their impact so much.

Think of good things

Moments of anger are dark. You need a ray of light, no matter how little it is. To control your anger, in that raging moment, pause, and try to think of something beautiful. I know it’s easier said than done but try. Think of someone you truly love, would you like them to see you like this? Would you want to hurt them? No, right? So, snap out of it, so you don’t hurt yourself or someone else. You need to love yourself. Remembering beautiful experiences can be very helpful too.

To live longer, you need to learn how to be happy. You can’t afford to get angry at the slightest tick of the moment. You have the remote control, once those moments set in, you should press the change button. When you master the skill of how to control your anger, the world will be merrier for you and the ones you care about.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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