Signs a man is broke and can’t pay the bills

For the record, I’m not encouraging a woman to be a gold-digger or an opportunist, that’s something a virtuous and classy woman would never be. However, it’s natural for a man to take care of his woman. He ought to pay the bills, cater to her needs, and solve some other money problems. And yes, love still counts in the absence of money, but sometimes, men front like they have it, even when they don’t, so here are signs that a man is broke, so you aren’t deceived.

He doesn’t have a job

So, we are all for legitimate money, right?  And legitimate money often comes through work (unless you have a money-making factory). When a man doesn’t have a day job, isn’t into any businesses, and is literally idle, then obviously, there’s no check he’ll be taking home by the end of the month. He’d have to sort himself (and of course you) by some other means. 

He makes unfulfilled promises

He keeps making promises about getting you some of the best gifts in the world. He hasn’t fulfilled the last promise, yet, he’s making another one. It all begins and ends in his mouth, and of course, your ears too. There’s also that vacation he keeps talking about. Talk is cheap. If he says it, he should be ready to do it, and if he isn’t doing it, it’s likely that he’s broke and can’t afford it. It’s not a crime to be broke, but can he please stop saying things he can’t fulfill?

He asks you for money

Okay, this is dicey. Sometimes, a man may be temporarily out of cash and then forced to ask a woman for money, that’s understandable. But when it’s a habit, then it’s not okay. He’s probably immature. His dream job may not be waiting for him on a platter of gold, but there are other jobs he can find if he’s willing to work. There’s a whole lot of dignity in that than constantly asking a woman for money.

He doesn’t pay the bills

As long as there’s life, there’ll always be bills to pay. And yes, society expects a real man to pick them up and do justice to them. He’s meant to pay for your dates and also settle the bills at home (if you two live together). If he can’t do these things, who will? You? In the spirit of fairness, you can do that once in a while, but not always. 

Money is important in all areas of our lives, including relationships. It’s essential for us to be able to provide our basic human needs: food, shelter, and clothing. The luxuries can be added when there’s extra of money to go round. When a man is broke, meeting these needs becomes a problem.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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