Living in Nigeria: 5 Fun Facts You Don’t Want to Miss

Nigeria isn’t called the Giant of Africa for nothing, it has earned it over the years. Besides having the biggest economy in Africa and the highest number of black people in the world, it boasts of other things that make it an envy of many other countries. 

Here are some fun facts about living in Nigeria.

Rich culture 

With over 250 ethnic tribes, Nigeria is the hub of cultures. I know it sounds unbelievable but the country actually has that number of ethnic tribes or even more, with the major ones being Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba. This obviously explains that it has a diverse and rich cultural heritage. And this, in itself, makes it interesting to live here, as you get to see and learn about different cultures.

Happy People

Nigerians are arguably the happiest people in the world. Wondering why? It takes a whole lot of will to put up a smiling face in the midst of challenges, and Nigerians are very well known for that. Not even the socio-economic challenges can take away their joy as they grab every opportunity to create happy moments.

Communal life

In the pride of Africa, people are their brother’s keeper. Not even the isolation created by modern-day society can take that away from the beautiful people of this country. Right here, it’s believed that it takes an entire village to raise a child, and they really keep to that. Problems are shared amongst people in a community and they join heads together to provide solutions. When one person is happy, others are happy and vice versa.


This fun fact about living in Nigeria is the real deal. Like we say in vernacular, “no dulling.” In other words, there are no dull moments. If you are the type who likes to get your groove on, then Naija is the place to be. We seize every opportunity to celebrate. And I’m not talking about small celebrations but big, talk-of-the-town events. While Nigerians work very hard, they play much harder. 


If you want to make heaven, then you should live in Nigeria because we bring heaven co much closer that you can feel it from here. The major religions are Christianity and Islam, and they are fully represented. Fridays and Sundays are considered holidays as worshippers troop into their worship centres to praise their makers. The worship continues through the week with mid-week events lined up.

These are some fun facts about living in Nigeria, there are many more left. With some of the best vacation destinations in the world, life in Nigeria is even more fun.  We don’t just wait for the fun to happen, we create them in order to live a happy life on earth.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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