How to turn down sexual advances from your female boss without being disrespectful


Society and the movies have created a stereotype about sexual advances coming only from men to women. But over time, it has been proven that while women may suffer a lot of it, men also have their own share. With women becoming more daring and outspoken about their needs, it’s no longer unheard of. The tables are sometimes turned around, and the supposedly macho man, is in the “disadvantaged” position, at the mercy of the woman. And it becomes a big thorn in the flesh when the woman in question is his boss. Young and good-looking men in the corporate world, sometimes receive sexual advances from their lady bosses. If you are going through this, here are some tips on how to turn down sexual advances from your female Boss.

1. Show Maturity

This is not the time for you to climb up the rooftop and announce to the whole world that your boss is making passes at you, no, that’s so immature. You shouldn’t spread the news to your colleagues at work either, it could worsen issues. Just try to remain calm. Don’t give her the impression that she has you in a very tight corner; that’ll give her more power to go on with her lustful desires.

2. Be firm about your refusal

I like to think that you have already decided not to give her what she wants. In that case, you should be firm about your response. Say “no” to her without mincing words. Don’t just stop there, give her reasons why you are saying no. If it’s against your principles, point it out clearly. You are an adult who knows what he wants, and you should let her know that. Real men don’t give in to threats!

3. Don’t entertain out-of-work activities

She’d probably want to spend more time with you, to press on, and persuade you to dance to her tune. Don’t give her the chance. Your only ties with her should be work-related. If she wants to meet up for lunch or dinner, politely tell her that you can’t make it. Meeting up with her for out-of-work activities will contradict your stands on the issue. She’d probably think you are interested in her deal, but simply playing hard to get.

4. Inform your spouse
If you are married or in a serious relationship, you should inform your spouse about what is going on, so they won’t be surprised if anything happens in the long run. Clearly state to them that you are keen on turning down the advances from your female boss and that’s why you have decided to let them know. You’ll need their moral support to pull through.

5. Be the best at your job

You need to sit up and work harder. If you are good at your job, your boss would be shooting herself in the leg if she fired you. Any responsible person would put work over personal pleasures. If she fired a very good staff like you, she’d count her losses. Don’t let her attitude deter you from working diligently.

6. Involve the superiors

If you’ve tried the other steps mentioned above and she keeps persisting, and you really need the job, you’d have to try the “harder” way. If there are other superiors above her, whom she answers to, you may have to get them involved. But first, you’d need evidence to prove your claims. Have a recording of some of your conversations. Make sure you state that you aren’t interested, and let her be very vocal about her threats against you. You should make the recording available to your superiors only when she eventually comes through with her threat of firing you.

Getting together should be a thing of consent. Nobody should be forced to have sexual relations with others, against their will. If your boss finds you attractive and the feeling is mutual, you could decide to date your boss, at your own discretion. But if you aren’t interested, turning down the sexual advances from your female boss is the right thing to do.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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