A successful woman's guide to finding a good man


She’s young, intelligent, hardworking, successful, and most likely beautiful. She could be the “IT” girl, the kind of girl every other girl admires and wants to be. And while she could have her pick of guys whenever she wants, she finds it difficult to find a decent man for a serious relationship that could lead to something concrete like taking a beautiful walk down the aisle. Society says she’s too much to handle for these men because of her huge success. And most of these men, though hard to admit, find her to be somewhat intimidating. So, where does that leave a successful woman who needs a man in her life?

It’s an open secret that society isn’t a 100% percent fair to women. The issue of gender equality which we all preach about and agitate for is still far from being achieved. Whether it will ever be totally achieved is a story for another day. 

When a young bachelor works hard, he gets a standing ovation, because it’s evident he can take care of a woman, giving her financial comfort and security. But when a spinster does the same, she’s frowned at, and advised by supposedly well-meaning people, that her success would scare away prospective husbands. Granted, men have a huge ego, especially the immature men, and that ego makes it almost impossible for them to be “under” a woman in terms of finances. So, does that mean that a woman shouldn’t work hard, just because she doesn’t want to end up old and unmarried?

While the average woman is more likely to find a man, compared with the successful independent woman, it’s still possible for the latter to hold her own in the relationship department. Wondering how?

When a woman becomes very successful in her career or business, she attains a certain height of prestige that is likely to make her feel like she’s on top of the world, thus, exhibiting an element of pride. She is likely to feel superior to men, and when these men observe this from a distance, they literally run. Humility is prudent, regardless of your financial status. A woman who is humble, warm, and welcoming to people will be likable by people, regardless of the size of her bank account. Don’t look down on people, especially men, treat everyone as equals.

With the size of your bank account, you are most likely to see every man as an opportunist who is after your money, thus, you give them attitude, which scares them away. While some men may be interested in a woman’s bank account, others don’t give a hoot about it, these are the real men. Of course, you don’t have to entertain every Tom, D1ck, and Harry that comes your way, but have an open mind and be receptive because you never can tell who your Prince Charming might be.

When you are a successful woman, it’s only natural for you to attract successful men. And these men, aren’t intimidated by your success, because they too are successful in their own rights. Now, it becomes a matter of attitude and chemistry. Don’t be desperate to make any man put a ring on your finger, just take your time and enjoy the ride as it unfolds. Husband material will come, at the right time. When you find him, don’t wait for too long, to make him propose to you.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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