5 Ways to Overcome Fear and Never be Afraid Again


Everyone, young, old, male or female experiences fear at some point. Due to the imperfect nature of life, it’s inevitable for us as human to not be afraid. Alive, we have blood in our veins, and emotions that spring up at the slightest opportunity. Unless we can turn of the switch of our emotions, that feeling of danger, has a way of showing up without an invitation. But here’s the catch, we are created with the will to overcome fear, if we try.

Here are 5 Ways to Overcome Fear

1. Accept that fear exists

Society and everyone expects us to be strong and not be afraid of anything. With this in mind, we are made to believe that being afraid isn’t acceptable because it’s a sign of weakness. But the fact is, even those who are telling us to not be afraid, have their own fears. Come to think of it, for you to exhibit courage, you must be afraid of that situation, prompting you to put up a fight, which will inspire you to conquer it. Acceptance brings about solution.

2. Identify why you are afraid

This answers the big question of “what?” You need to personally identify that thing you are afraid of. What triggers your fears? Who or what is it that you are afraid of? It’s like identifying the enemy, in order to take them down for good. Write it down if you have to, there should be no hiding place for anything that makes you so afraid.

3. Control your thoughts

The power of the mind is great. The way we think, affects our reality. If you keep entertaining and building on those evil thoughts, that’s all you are going to think about. Take away the negativity from your mind and replace it with positivity. I bet you have some good memories, why don’t you think about them? 

4. Take action

So, the enemy has been identified, what’s the attack plan? They say first attack is always an advantage in battle. Rather than wait for that thing to come unto you first, be the one to confront it now. Don’t run; that’s a thing only weak people do. Exhibit confidence and confront it! It’s a mind thing. If you believe you can overcome your fears, then it’s settled.

5. Loosen up

Life may suck sometimes, but it could be so much fun too, you know. It all depends on you and what you make of it. That thing you are afraid of isn’t as serious as you think it is. So what if it happens? Will it kill you? I like to think that the answer to that is a “No.” In that case, why do you want to let the mere thought of it get you killed?  Even if it happens, it won’t stop the moon from shinning, neither will it stop the sun from rising. Just lay back and take a glass of chilled water.

If the things we are afraid of were as serious as we take them, most people would be dead by now. In the end, things are what you interpret them to be. That thing you are afraid of, wouldn’t be a problem, it you didn’t make it one. To overcome your fear, you need to learn to just breathe and be happy.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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