Flavour denies dating Delish

Talented Singer, Flavour has finally denied rumours about him dating Big Brother Africa Reality TV Show winner, Delish. Both Flavour and Delish have been rumoured to be in a romantic relationship.

Delish was reported to have visited Flavour in his home in Nigeria and even spent a night there.

Speaking in an interview with Encomium Magazine, Flavour said:

"It’s just a professional picture. For now there is nothing between us. She featured in my video and I went to pick her at the airport and also hosted her. That’s it.  I wonder why they are spreading the falsehood all over the net. We are not kids and if their is something between us why hide it? It’s strictly professional for now.”
Chris O

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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