Merry Christmas to you! We waited so long for it, and now it’s here, finally. I bet you weren't left out in the preparations. Well, we all had to join the world in this wonderful celebration. However, we shouldn't get carried away by the buzz and forget the essence of this great day. It’s indeed a day to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the redeemer, who came to save us from the condemnation of sin. His birth signifies salvation, love, and freedom amongst other things. And these great phenomena, give us unending joy….
While we are basking in the euphoria of the season, let’s take a look at some amazing facts about Christmas. I bet you didn’t know of some of these.
Three Amazing Facts about Christmas
• The Statue of Liberty was a Christmas present
The very popular statue of liberty in the U.S wasn't created by the Americans, it was a Christmas gift given to them by the French authorities in 1886. And that is the biggest Xmas present in history. Well, you could try to beat that with something bigger; I just wonder how big your own present would be to break the record.
• Santa Claus isn't a myth
There’s the popular belief that Santa Claus is just a myth, but that isn't true. Once upon a time in Myra (now known as Turkey), there lived a man named Sankt Niklaus who was even more generous than the Santas of today. Upon his death, he was named a Saint.
• “We wish you a Merry Christmas” is the most popular Christmas song
There are so many Christmas songs. These songs are uncountable. However, there are some very popular ones. Many people would think that “Jingle Bells” is the most popular of them all, but that’s not the case. The Christmas wish song tops the list and it originated in England.
There you have it, some amazing facts about Christmas. Christmas may come once in a year, but I think the world would be a much better place if we lived our lives like every day was Christmas, don’t you think?