How to overcome failure and be successful

Emmy was a 17-year-old girl from a small town somewhere in Nigeria. Growing up as a child, all she had were dreams of being on the screen, starring in blockbuster movies with some of the biggest Actors from Hollywood. She would daydream about it and even dream some more at night; she wanted it so badly. 

She found her way to the city, where she hoped to clinch his first acting role, which would usher her into the industry. But her first audition was a disaster. She could hardly articulate a complete sentence; she was tensed. They were many more countless auditions without a callback. She was disappointed and felt like a failure. But guess what, today, she’s a big movie star, because she practiced ways to overcome failure.

6 ways to overcome Failure

Understand that it’s a part of life

You may not like the sound of this, but failure is an integral part of life that we all must pass through either sooner or later. Picture this, when you get everything you want at the snap of your fingers, would it be so much fun? No. To better appreciate the things we have, we need to experience challenges in getting them.

Have a positive mindset

The mind plays a vital role in our endeavors. The way we perceive things affects our interpretations and actions. Having doubts in yourself, feeling that you won’t succeed even before you try is not acceptable. You need to learn to overcome that complex. Until you actually fail at something, you have a hundred percent chance of being successful at it. Guess what? You are the best candidate! The sooner you begin to think in that direction, the better. Love and accept yourself, wholeheartedly, for things to fall into place.

Learn the tricks

Like a man needs the right keys to a woman’s heart to woo her, you need the right tools to succeed. Trying a bunch of wrong keys won’t open the door, it’ll only waste your time and get you stressed up. When you know exactly what to do, to get something, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble. Make efforts to empower yourself with knowledge of that venture, that way, you’ll be very qualified for it.

Don’t expect perfection

Yes, you are good at it, but you need to know that you can’t always get it right. I know it sounds so cliché, but really, nobody on earth is perfect. When you make an attempt at something, your goal should be to get it done. Once you get it done, don’t beat yourself if it didn’t turn out so perfect, instead, learn from your mistakes and try to perfect it next time.

Don’t compare yourself with other people

The worse thing that could happen to someone is for them to be in competition with others. Just as our appearances are different, so are our destinies and callings. To overcome failure, do your thing, based on your own abilities, strengths, and at your own pace.  Remain on your lane. There are many ways to a destination, so, you mustn’t take the route that everyone else is taking.

Always try again

Persistence makes even the least qualified candidate for the job to eventually get it. When you tried something and failed, it may not have worked out but you gained some experience from it. With experiences of the past, you are better equipped to ace it the next time. Don’t you ever stop trying. As long as you are alive, you must keep giving it a shot until you get it.

Come to think of it, who sets the standards for failure? If it wasn’t successful today, it could be successful tomorrow. Failure comes to fore only when you give up, without winning the prize. Keeping your head up and pushing till you lay your hands on it are the basics of overcoming failure. Now go get it and live a happy life; you deserve it.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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