How to make your Woman respect you

When you observe signs of disrespect in your woman, it’s only normal for you to be concerned. You become worried, confused, and may begin to question your compatibility as a couple. While there’s no excuse for a woman to disregard her man, you need to check yourself to be sure that you aren't giving her reasons to behave that way to you. Rather than dusting your shoes and taking a long walk, you could try to remedy the situation by learning how to make your woman respect you.

Five easy ways to make your Woman respect you

Live up to your responsibilities

Being a real man comes with its bag of responsibility. You need to take it upon yourself to ensure that your woman is comfortable and doesn't lack the basic things of life, especially when she cannot provide these things for herself. Even when you don’t have the capacity to give her all she needs, try to give her the little you can afford. When you are found wanting in this area, there’s the tendency for her to disrespect you.

Respect her feelings

Like other secrets of a successful relationship, respect has to be mutual. If you want her to hold you in high esteem, you have to do the same to her. Making her feel like a second class citizen in your union will make her have negative feelings towards you. Listen to her concerns, fears, and expectations, and make amends where necessary.

Have confidence in yourself

Respect is earned. And for you to have it, she needs to know that you deserve it. Acting all timid like someone with a complex sends a signal that you aren't deserving of her loyalty. Act the part, and that entails being the man every girl wants to be with. You need to make her see that you are a treasure, one she should be happy to have.

Be nice but firm

You don’t have to be the man who is confused and can hardly make up his mind; that’s a total turn off to women. While you should always treat her like a lady, you need to stamp a foot on the ground sometimes, especially when it’s obvious that you are in the right.

Tell her about it

Communication is a secret that happy couples are familiar with. You need to seat her down and have a heart to heart talk with her. Perhaps she isn't aware of the implications of her actions on you and your relationship. Let her know how bad it makes you feel.

A woman deserves respect as much as a man deserves it. If you want your woman to respect you, you must be willing to respect her too. Love is not enough, sometimes, you need to make an effort to tick all the boxes in your relationship.

Chris O

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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