The manner in which a lady carries herself builds the perception people have of her. A woman who puts in some work in herself is bound to get some good ‘reviews.’ Being a classy lady isn’t a thing for only the elite, every woman can exude the same elegance once she puts her mind to it. Knowing how to be a classy lady is all in the ‘packaging’; people will address you based on what they see.
7 tips on how to be a classy Lady
• Look the part
Being a classy lady begins with the appearance. If you want to be treated like a lady, then you have to earn it. Exposing parts of your body that are considered private isn’t ladylike. A lady covers it all up and only reveals very little that sets the mind running with imagination.
• Comport yourself
The way you carry yourself says a lot about you. As a classy woman, every move you make has to be well calculated and in tune with the rhythm playing in your head. There’s no rushing, you have to take your time. When you sit down, keep your shoulders straight and cross your legs if you can. When you walk, do it like a runway model. It gives you that subtle confidence that is befitting of a classy woman.
• Use refined language
Your use of words goes a long way when you want to act like a lady. It makes a very big difference between you and other women. Play every word in your head before you let it out. If it sounds slightly inappropriate to you, then you shouldn’t let other ears hear it. You don’t have to be vulgar to air your views. Choose appropriate words that convey the message even better.
• Be articulate
You don’t have to speak simply because everyone else is speaking and you don’t want to be left out. Take your time to listen attentively to the conversation in order to have a good understanding of what they are talking about before contributing to it. Your points should be in line with the subject and presented clearly without confusion. Open your mouth and speak clearly like a woman who knows what she’s talking about. Keep your voice at a moderate level without being too loud or too low.
• Be cordial with people
You don’t have to raise your shoulders in dealing with other people. The key is to be cordial and possibly friendly. Acting all snobbish is not classy, it’s a thing mean girls do. You don’t have to give everyone you come across a peck on the cheek, but at least give them the attention they deserve as humans.
• Control your anger
Having good anger management is very important for you to be a lady. People will always step on your toes. You don’t have to attack them like a hungry lion. Even when you have the urge to hit someone, take a deep breath, and search for appropriate words to use. If you are too angry to speak, just remain quiet until the anger wears off. If you have to right any wrongs done to you, do it with dignity, using words that don’t seem rude.
• Don’t indulge in gossip
We know gossiping is a women affair, but leave that to other women. If you must stand out, then you have to do things differently. Truth is, a girl can’t do without gossiping entirely, but keep it very minimal and to your very close friends... that's how to be a classy lady. Gossiping about people with everyone doesn’t speak well of you at all.
A lady deserves to be treated with respect, but it doesn’t come on a platter of gold; you need to earn it. Throwing yourself around like an under-priced product will make people look down on you. But when you know how to be a classy lady, they’d be left with no choice but to respect you.