How to ask a woman for money

For a real man, asking a woman for money is one of the hardest things to do, and the reason isn't far-fetched.  Why is that so? A man is meant to be the giver, the provider, the one who caters to his woman’s needs. And though times are changing with some women taking on the responsibilities of providing, this tradition isn't changing anytime soon. There’s an African adage that says “it’s a condition that bends the crayfish.” This same condition could put a man in a situation where he’d be forced to ask a woman for money. Here’s a guide to make it easier for you.

4 Tips on how to ask a Woman for Money

Swallow your pride

This is the first thing to do when you want to ask a woman for money. I know you are the man, a gentleman at that, and you shouldn't be doing this. But being egoistic won’t get you out of the money-less situation you are in. If humility is all it takes, wouldn't you rather be humble?

Make sure it’s important

I like to believe that a gentleman would want to ask his woman for money only when it’s absolutely necessary, thus, you need the money to solve that challenge you are experiencing. Asking a woman for money for some trivial and inconsequential reason is a very bad idea. If it’s not so important, just forget about it.

Be honest about it

You don’t have to beautify your story like icing on a cake. Things would be a lot easier if you just told it the way it is. You need the money for a purpose, why don’t you just tell her what it is? And if it’s for a good reason, a good woman would be more than willing to help out.

Promise to pay back

You may not have money now, but that doesn't mean you won’t have money sometime in the future. A woman needs to know that her man is capable of taking care of her even when he’s temporarily unable to. When you promise to pay her back, it gives her that reassurance that you’ll bounce back on your feet, even though she may not have it in mind to take the money back.

A man asking a woman for money isn't considered the norm, so don’t make it a regular thing. Your woman shouldn't be your first point of call whenever you need money. Try other options. And only when you are sure you are out of options, should you ask your woman for money.

Chris O

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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