5 Easy Ways to Make People Like You


Reality check, everybody wants people to like them. That may be hard to swallow but it’s the truth. We may not necessarily seek the validation of everybody, but when most people we come across, find us cool and interesting, it makes us feel better about ourselves. While humans may be quite difficult to get along with sometimes, especially strangers, there are some obvious buttons to press, to get on people’s good side. It isn’t rock-science, it’s just about you, knowing what to do. Here are some clues to make people like you.

1. Maintain a friendly mannerism

First impressions aren’t losing their importance anytime soon, they still matter. Most times, people are looking at us and we don’t even realize it. When you walk into a building, many eyes turn towards you, right? While some take their eyes away, almost immediately, others linger on. 

The way you carry yourself passes a message across to others. Keep it confident but not arrogant. Nonverbal communication says a whole lot. Someone may be too far to hear what you are saying, but they are seeing your body language. A little smile every now and then, shows that you are free-spirited, don’t frown all through, it makes you look like the kind of person nobody wants to be friends with.

2. Look good

Yes, I know this might seem a bit shallow, but it’s very important. Nobody wants to get closer to a person who doesn’t take care of himself or herself. You may be the sweetest person in the world, but if you look untidy, people won’t get the chance to see that sweetness. You don’t have to look like a runway model or celebrity, just make little efforts to look presentable and attractive. Simple and classy is the way to go.

It’s isn’t just about the clothes, personal hygiene also comes to play here. Keep your nails, hair, teeth, and every other part of your body clean. Smell good.

3. Don’t make it about you, but about them

There’s a golden rule that shows that we humans are narcissistic, and we love it even more when people give us the chance to talk about ourselves. It’s not every day that one gets someone else to listen to all the things they have to say. So, make the conversation about the person you are meeting with, and listen attentively as they speak, so you can ask genuine follow-up questions. When you notice that they have been talking for too long, feel free to chip in something about yourself too, so they don’t feel like it’s a one-sided conversation.

4. Say a lot of positive things

There’s too much negativity in the world, nobody wants you to remind them of it; the media does that perfectly well. Don’t go on and on about all the bad things happening in the world; it’d make you look like a kill sport. Bring up conversations about happy moments. 

While you are on that, stay off sensitive topics about religion, politics, and region, especially if you are meeting the person for the first time because your perspective may be totally different from theirs, and that will create an awkward situation.

5. Validate them

Everybody wants to feel that they are cool and doing the right thing. So, to make people like you, give them that validation. If they tell you about a project they are working on, let them know how cool it is and how much you admire them for that. This doesn’t mean that you should encourage something bad or negative. If they are going on a trip, let them know how much you love the place they want to visit.

Being an island isn’t good for a happy living; you need to interact and socialize with people because at the end of the day, we all need each other. To make people like you, you must first of all, accept and love yourself. It’s better to make more friends because some good friends play a vital role in helping us achieve our dreams and ambitions.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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