It's Valentine's day! And I wish you a very big happy Valentine! So, they say it's a day of love, right? Well, that's true because Love was what inspired Valentine's day in the first place.
Though i'm of the opinion that love should be given and celebrated everyday, but today is sort of special because it's a reminder of the late St. Valentine who stood for love and marriage between couples when Emperor Claudias persecuted the church for joining young couples in holy matrimony. According to Claudias, marriage made Soldiers weak and unable to fight in wars because they were afraid of dying and leaving their wives and children behind.
St. Valentine, who believed in the union of love and marriage, went on to wed couples secretly. He was eventually caught and sentenced to a three stage execution which were beating, stoning and decapitation. Before he died, he wrote a letter to Claudias' blind daughter and the last words in the letter were "From your Valentine."
Do you have a Valentine? There are many people around, anybody can be you Val. Show love to people today and have a memorable Val.