A girl realizes that her heart beats faster whenever she’s with that guy that comes around but then she is forced to subdue what she feels simply because society forbids her from making the first move. In their books, a girl making the first move is cheap. Well, it’s bad enough that you can’t be upfront about it, but you can learn how to tell a guy you like him without being too forward.
5 ways to tell a guy you like him
• Be generous with compliments about him
This is the first rule to letting Mr. Handsome know that your heart yawns for him. When a guy makes even the smallest effort to look presentable, if not good, appreciate him for a job well done by telling him that his hard work isn’t a waste of time. Compliment him even about the smallest detail; that will make him realize that you have an interest in him.
• Be all over him physically
The proximity between a man and woman to a large extent depends on the relationship they share. If you don’t have any interest in a guy, then your body shouldn’t always be touching he’s. But when you like him, the reverse is the case. Don’t act like one of his casual friends, take advantage of certain opportunities that permit you to touch him. You could say “hello” with a hug or a peck, tap him on the back when he says something funny, and even hold his hand while you two walk together.
• Call him regularly
Someone has to light up the fire and it might as well be you. You don’t have to be the one doing all the calling, but you have to start it for him to have an idea of what is involved. Ringing his phone every now and then will open his eyes to the fact that you feel something for him. And before you know it, he’d begin to reciprocate by calling you too.
• Show interest in his affairs
A girl loves attention and doesn’t mind being the centre of attraction at all times. However, if you want to tell a guy you like him, you need to put yourself aside and talk about him sometimes. Ask him about the things he’s up to. If he tells you about something in the offing, don’t forget to ask him about the outcome later on. It’s a clear sign that you truly care about him and every guy loves that.
• Give him little presents
Girls aren’t the only ones who love to receive presents, guys love it too. Girls don’t give random guys presents, so when you give him one, he’d get the vibe that he has an admirer in you. You shouldn’t worry about getting big presents, small ones will be just fine.
It’s a good thing if the guy you are digging comes to woo you. But what if he doesn’t come by? Are you going to sit back and do nothing? Well, the ball is in your court and you have the power to kick it in whatever direction. If I were you, I’d take the above points on “how to tell a guy you like him” seriously in order not to lose him because he might turn out to be your knight in shining armor.