How to overcome inferiority complex and build your confidence

There’s a feeling, a combination of both inadequacy and insecurity. There are standards set in your head, and for some reason, you feel like you are several depths beneath these standards. You aren’t good enough, so you think. You have nourished this thought for so long it has become your reality. It has become who you are, not good enough. And now, no matter how hard you try, to feel better, you can’t, because you have condemned yourself for too long. You need to learn how to overcome inferiority complex and be the best you can be. 

Know yourself

This is where the journey begins. Understanding who you are, your individual traits, and your mannerism is key. You need to come to terms with you and practise self-love and acceptance. If you don’t define who you are, people will define you for who you are not. You are like a product, if you package and brand it well, people will fall in love with it.

Discover your potentials

Our talents, abilities, and skills give us the confidence we need to get by because they make us feel useful, important, and special. You are gifted. Don’t know what it is you are gifted at? You probably feel you aren’t good enough because you don’t know that you have some special abilities that people envy. You need to make conscious efforts to discover your potentials and put them to good use. 

Play by your own rules

When you are struggling to fit in, there’s the tendency for you to become an enabler and do whatever people say just to seek their approval. You think that’ll make you feel better but the truth is, it won’t. Doing what people want all the time simply means that you don’t have a life of your won, and once they notice that, they’d take advantage of you. To overcome inferiority complex, you need to move at your own pace and do you.

Build true relationships

You don’t need a crowd around you to feel better. What’s the essence of keeping so many ‘friends’ who don’t value you? You need true friends, no matter how few they are, who really understand you and bring out the best in you. Build alliances with people you can rely on, people who contribute positively to your life.


Life is a continuous process. No matter how good we are, we can always get better. Don’t be stuck at where you are, be willing to learn new things and improve on yourself. Take courses, learn new skills, and try new inventions. Make yourself happy and be proud of the person you are.

We are who we make ourselves to be. You aren’t alone; everyone has battles they are fighting. Don’t feel bad about who you are, rather, strive to come out of it. Overcoming inferiority complex is a gradual process but one thing that’s certain is that you’ll get there eventually if you keep moving.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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