How to give a man green light without being desperate

In the traditional books of dating, a man does the chasing, while the woman has the final say to either accept or reject him. They say it’s the duty of the man to ask a woman out. She’s forbidden to take the bold step of approaching a man. This theory is to a large extent, biased. And that’s because, sometimes, a woman might see a man she likes, but can’t have him, because she doesn’t have the ‘license’ to do the asking. Well, while we wait for things to get balanced in that area, a woman can equip herself with knowing how to give a man the green light to approach her, when of course, she likes him.

Easy Ways to Give a Man the Green Light

Stare but not continually 

The first point of getting a guy to make the move is for him to actually see you. If there are many people in the room, there’s a tendency for him not to see you in the crowd. So, the trick is for you to position yourself in a direction where he can see you. While you are comfortably seated, like you are minding your business, look at him until your eyes lock, and then look away. People’s eyes lock, sometimes, accidentally. But it becomes so obvious when you do it continually. Three times is the maximum. If he doesn’t get the message, he isn’t interested.

Be responsive but not flirty

When a guy summons the courage to walk up to a woman, courtesy demands that you at least, give him a listening ear. Being rude is totally not acceptable, a classy lady knows better than that. In this case, you are interested in him, aren’t you? Now, let him know that he’s very much welcomed by responding to his talks and answering his questions if he asks any. But please, don’t flirt with him, at least, not yet.

Laugh at his jokes

Giving a guy the impression that he’s funny, makes him feel like a real man. It tells him that you like his jokes and would like to see more of it. He may not be the funniest guy on the planet, but when he makes an effort to make you laugh, laugh like it’s real. Trust me, your laughter won’t be in vain, it’s the brightest green light a man needs to ‘move’ to a woman.

Give him compliments

So you are chatting with him already, somewhere in between, let him know how awesome you think he is. Let him know that his imaginary woman would indeed be lucky to have him because he’s everything a woman wants in a man. Obviously, you aren’t telling him you want him, but indirectly telling him that you wouldn’t mind having him because like you said, he ticks the boxes in every woman’s checklist.

Sometimes, guys tend to delay a little, because they want to be sure that they are on the same page with the lady in question. When you give a man the green light, you’ve cleared that doubt for him. It’s left to him to woo you in a sweet and romantic manner like the special lady that you are.

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.

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