Snake girl from Thailand attracts tourists

Mai Li Fay, an 8 year old girl from Thailand has a snake like body. And no, it’s not spiritual but a medical condition. Speaking on the condition, a medical expert from Thailand, Dr Ping Lao, reveals that Mai Li Fay is suffering from a rare syndrome known as the Serpentosis Malianorcis or Jing Jing’s disease. And as a result of this, her lower body has a distinct reptilian form and aspect.
Due to her strange condition, thousands of people troop into Thailand to have a look at the ‘Snake girl’ for themselves.
This is kinda creepy. Wonders shall never end!

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at for more engaging content.


  1. Dude did you run a little research to confirm that info before publishing?

  2. Yes i did. Thanks for stopping by.

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