Pope Francis baptises baby of unmarried Couple

Pope Francis has been making headlines lately for his open minded belief of Christianity. While many applaud the Catholic leader for his welcoming and accommodating spirit, some do not quite agree with him. This time, the Pope baptises the baby of a couple who isn’t married at a ceremony held in Sistine Chapel, in Rome.
The baby was one of the 31 people who got baptized in the traditional Baptism of the Lord mass, commemorating the day St John baptised Jesus.
Pope Francis had earlier kicked against Priests who refuse to baptize babies born by unmarried couples, saying that baptism was necessary for the children to pass Christian rites, regardless of conditions surrounding their birth.
I think Pope Francis is doing a good job; children shouldn’t be ‘punished’ by being denied baptism for something they had no hand in. Don’t you agree?

Chris Odogwu

Chris Odogwu is a writer and content creator. He's passionate about creating informative and engaging content. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisOdogwu1 for more engaging content.

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